Chinese Lattice


Lattice work has for centuries been used as decorative patterns in Chinese homes — the designs populate doors, screens, windows, and all sorts of furniture and architectural elements that make up traditional Chinese home construction. They are ingeniously conceived in various forms, from a single frame to hexagons and other innovative patterns.

Sonite’s classic Chinese Lattice was interpreted by artist Wei Yifeng into these beautiful interlocking patterns. Using Sonite’s modern color palette of subtle red, blue, and green, this contemporary Chinese lattice work comes to life, giving the modern home a fresh look with Asian inspirations.

Lead Time

2-4 weeks


  • Suitable for indoor vertical and horizontal applications.
  • Suitable for all residential and commercial surface application.
  • Use subject to the method of installation - proper adhesive is especially recommended for wet area.
  • Use spacers for more consistent grout spacing.
  • For light traffic flooring when installed with epoxy adhesive and grout.


  • Mounted on front sticker film

Available In Series

Color Inspirations

QL-414 Dark Jade
QL-813 White Mica
QL-719 Cobalt
QL-813 White Mica
QL-883 Burnished Bronze
QL-813 White Mica
QL-800 Sandstone
QL-883 Burnished Bronze

Chinese Lattice Gallery